KalkKind products

Walls free of plastic!

Swamp lime and lime paint without harmful substances

KalkKind products can do that

Healthy living

KalkKind’s pit lime surfaces are completely emission-free. The natural lime even manages to neutralize and break down existing pollutants and odors in the room. Risk substances in the air are reduced. Degrades indoor air acids and contributes to the acid-base balance.

Photo lime plaster in the bathroom
Sustainable living

It also works without plastic: KalkKind surfaces are free from plastics and harmful substances such as B. titanium dioxide. Mineral and renewable raw materials instead of chemicals from petroleum

Graphic Lunge KalkKind live healthy
Natural product: sump lime

They regulate humidity, absorb a lot of water and dry out quickly. Reduce the risk of germs and bacteria on the surfaces. High protection against mold. Pit lime can do all of this.

KalkKind quality assurance stamp
Creative surfaces

A diverse range of colors enables individual room design. In addition, there is a variety of surface design options.

So außergewöhnlich kann Sumpfkalkputz sein
100% full declaration

KalkKind stands for complete product transparency: That is why all ingredients used are listed down to the last caraway.

KalkKind products

KalkKind Sumpfkalk specialist companies seminars

Design wall & ceiling

KalkKind paints and coatings

Paints & coatings

KalkKind Sumpfkalk specialist companies seminars

Substrate pre-treatment

KalkKind natural lime base plaster

Base plaster & insulating plaster

KalkKind products natural colors color pigments

Color pigments

KalkKind quality assurance stamp

Design wall & ceiling

It all comes down to the last millimeters of the surface of the room. These decisively determine the effectiveness of the entire wall structure. With the finishing plaster from the natural lime system, you are choosing the safe route.

Paints & coatings

Paints and coatings are usually very thin coating materials. They alone do not represent any noteworthy sorption layers on the space enclosing surfaces.

Substrate pre-treatment

The subsurface is the prerequisite for a stable, high-quality lime surface. Many substrates can only be reworked after the correct pre-treatment with the primer or finishing plaster of the natural lime system.

Base plaster & insulating plaster

The basic plaster helps determine how long-lasting and value-retaining the structure is. The basic plasters of the natural lime system provide lasting protection for the building fabric.

Color pigments

The use of colored earths and iron oxides is inextricably linked to the attractive, versatile and natural design of lime surfaces.

Natural colors for your wellbeing

The KalkKind range of pigments contains earth pigments, which are considered to be the historical basis of all pigments. Already in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC They were used. They were also part of their color palette with the Romans, as well as with the medieval church painters, the folk building painters of the 18th century and even the early 20th century. These pigments are the key to successful, sustainable color design.

The fact that we perceive earth pigments as a natural color is due to the fact that humans have developed around the colors of the natural world such as plants, sea, sky and rocks. Our optical relation to nature is established by the retina and the visual cortex, which have adapted in the course of evolution to the special light frequencies of our natural environment.

KalkKind attaches great importance to the natural mineral colored powders for modern decorative wall design. By using these color pigments, the Lime plaster its incomparable depth and brilliance.

Buy KalkKind

You are interested in KalkKind products or you are looking for a trained KalkKind specialist then do not hesitate and contact us. We will be happy to help you.

We will be happy to advise you on our products, seminars or a specialist company.

Let yourself be inspired by the colors of our natural lime plasters.

Our structures create an aesthetic that you can touch.

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