How do pit lime surfaces design healthy interiors?
Sump lime is not just sump lime. There are considerable differences in quality on the market here and some slaked lime products even work with chemical additives. The hygienic effect, durability and appearance of our lime surfaces are unsurpassed today in terms of their holistic nature. The KalkKind pit lime system has a number of […]
Do something good for you and the environment
Environmentally friendly and sustainable … The demand for products that do not have a sustainable impact on the environment during manufacture, use and disposal is increasing in all product lines. This also applies to building materials. For this reason, the term “environmentally friendly” can be found on more and more construction products. However, very few […]
Healthy breathing air strengthens the entire organism
Not only since Corona it has been clear that a healthy body is less susceptible to pathogens. In addition to a healthy diet, one of the most important factors is “fresh air”. Our everyday life nowadays plays out for the most part in closed spaces away. That is why the quality of the indoor air […]
Erst wenn die Optik stimmt, ist das Wohlfühlklima perfekt!
Wirkung und Aussehen – das Innen und Außen der perfekten Sumpfkalk-Oberflächen Wir arbeiten jetzt schon seit rund 30 Jahren mit Sumpfkalk. Damals als wir Sumpfkalk für uns zu entdeckten war dieser Baustoff weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraden. Auch die gelernten Maler und Stuckateure wussten, bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen, von dem Jahrtausende alten und bewährten Baustoff […]