Healthy living has a thousand faces

Pit lime surfaces from KalkKind – Mirror of your personality … Today the term “… for individual room design” is often used in advertising for paints, paints, wallpapers and surface materials. It should convince consumers that the materials are something unique to them, according to their needs, preferences, style and character. But how can mass-produced […]
Titanium dioxide: This substance is suspected of causing cancer

Titanium dioxide is not used in Kalkkind products … On February 18, 2020, the European Union published in an official journal of the EU that titanium dioxide (TiO₂) was classified as a substance suspected of being carcinogenic. Titanium dioxide is therefore subject to mandatory labeling. According to the industry associations, titanium dioxide should be used […]
How do pit lime surfaces design healthy interiors?

Sump lime is not just sump lime. There are considerable differences in quality on the market here and some slaked lime products even work with chemical additives. The hygienic effect, durability and appearance of our lime surfaces are unsurpassed today in terms of their holistic nature. The KalkKind pit lime system has a number of […]
KalkKind: A family-run company

From wellwall to KalkKind … We, the Rehberger families, are the owners of KalkKind-Manufaktur. We are driven by concerns about the climate, the environment and health. We feel obliged to the future of our children and future generations. This obligation determines our decisions and our actions. Perhaps you still know us from wellwall and the […]
Part I: healthy living in demand in China

Swamp limestone on the way to Beijing … Finally, the shipping routes to China can be safely driven frost-free again and the KalkKind sump lime materials can begin their journey to the Middle Country. The air pollution in the mega-metropolises of China is increasingly regarded by the population as one of the biggest environmental problems […]
Product transparency: knowing what’s inside

Checking the ingredients … We reveal all ingredients down to the last crumb. But we are almost an absolute exception among the manufacturers in the market. We have the composition checked and assessed at the Institute for Quality Management and Environmental Hygiene in Weikersheim. This means that comprehensive information is available to consumers and specialist […]
Part II: Limestone seminar in Beijing

KalkKind experts … The KalkKind training team (Safina Rehberger Marketing and Design, Anatoli Bublik technical director and lecturer at the KalkKind Academy, Peter Rehberger managing director and training director) covered around 8,000 km for the longest journey to hold a KalkKind Academy seminar. Venue: The capital of China. In the luggage: 2 pallets full of […]
Part IV: Visit to a trade fair in Beijing

Limestone at a fair in China’s capital … The China National Convention Center is located directly at the Olympic Park next to the Olympic Stadium. The conference and exhibition center opened in 2009. Today it is one of the hottest event addresses for trade fairs and congresses in Beijing. As part of a construction fair, […]
Do something good for you and the environment

Environmentally friendly and sustainable … The demand for products that do not have a sustainable impact on the environment during manufacture, use and disposal is increasing in all product lines. This also applies to building materials. For this reason, the term “environmentally friendly” can be found on more and more construction products. However, very few […]
Healthy breathing air strengthens the entire organism

Not only since Corona it has been clear that a healthy body is less susceptible to pathogens. In addition to a healthy diet, one of the most important factors is “fresh air”. Our everyday life nowadays plays out for the most part in closed spaces away. That is why the quality of the indoor air […]